This is the first and only Yellow Douglas-fir Borer that I've seen in the yard.
It is also the first iNat observation in Latah County.
The common name for these beetles is not really appropriate, since they don't bore into the wood of trees and don't specialize in Douglas-firs. Rather the larvae eat the dead and dying roots of a wide variety of shrubs and trees.
- Links
iNaturalist: Latah County
10,000 things of the Pacific Northwest
s_idstdClass Object
[id] => 111
[genus_id] => 151
[species_name] => spurca
[common_name] => Yellow Douglas-fir Borer
[species_text] =>
This is the first and only Yellow Douglas-fir Borer that I've seen in the yard.
It is also the first iNat observation in Latah County.
The common name for these beetles is not really appropriate, since they don't bore into the wood of trees and don't specialize in Douglas-firs. Rather the larvae eat the dead and dying roots of a wide variety of shrubs and trees.
- Links
iNaturalist: Latah County
10,000 things of the Pacific Northwest
[cultivated] => 0
[introduced] => 0
stdClass Object
[id] => 223
[k_id] => 1
[p_id] => 2
[sp_id] => 1
[c_id] => 7
[sc_id] => 1
[o_id] => 10
[so_id] => 6
[io_id] => 9
[supf_id] => 37
[f_id] => 73
[sf_id] => 86
[t_id] => 80
[st_id] => 0
[g_id] => 151
[sg_id] => 0
[s_id] => 111
[ss_id] => 0
[o_desc] => Just hanging out on a raspberry leaf. Doesn't seem to mind having his picture taken.
Body length ~ 30 mm
[o_time] => 1467756000
[inat_time] => 1467756000
[cat_id] => 80
[o_image] =>
[o_featured] => 0
[inat_url] =>
[inat_image_url] =>
[o_short_desc] =>
[lowest_level] => s_id
[llid] => 1
[cultivated] => 0
[introduced] => 0
[good_image] => 1
[pollinating] => 482
[pollinating_level] => s_id
[eco_interaction] => 0
[gender] =>
[research_grade] => 0
Centrodera spurca
(Yellow Douglas-fir Borer)
Pterygota (Winged and Once-winged Insects)
Polyphaga (Water, Rove, Scarab, Long-horned, Leaf, and Snout Beetles)
No lower level information